Thursday 24 November 2011

Home Made Remedy For Kidney Stones

Symptoms for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones don’t always cause symptoms as the extent and severity of the symptoms would depend primarily on the location of the kidney stone and then on the size of the stone. Generally the symptoms will not appear until the stone has moved into the ureter. You would then be likely to experience some or possibly all of these symptoms:

•Severe pain towards the side and back, just beneath the ribs.

•Pain may radiate from the groins and lower abdomen and urination is likely to be particularly painful.

•Change in urine color, with urine being pink, red or brown is also likely. You may also feel a persistent urge to urinate.

•At times there may also be nausea and possibly vomiting.

•If there is also an infection you may experience fevers and chills.

Home remedy for kidney stones:

Things You Will Need:
2-Crystallised Saltpetre(Kalmi shora)
5-Lotasaji(lota saji)
6-Black Salt(kala nimak)


Take all things in same quantity.
Put things in grinder one by one.
All things grind properly like powder.
Take 1/2 table spoon three times after meal.

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